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Represent to open first UK store in London

British streetwear brand Represent has signed a UK flagship in London's Soho after opening its first store in Los Angeles last month.

Drapers - Represent to open first UK store in London

The brand has signed a ten-year lease for a 5,000 sq ft store at 135/141 Wardour Street, London, which is set to open in early 2025.

Founded by brothers George and Michael Heaton in 2012, the brand now has over 150 stockists worldwide, including Flannels, Selfridges, Harrods, Saks, Neiman Marcus Group and Nordstrom.

It comes after Represent opened a 3,100 sq ft store in Los Angeles on 30 March, the brand's first brick and mortar location.

Paul Spencer, CEO of Represent: "As a British brand, it only makes sense to showcase our collections to the international market there. Having started online over 12 years ago, we have built a global community with a thirst for every pillar of our brand, so now to be able to showcase Represent in our own London store is an incredibly proud moment for the brand."


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