Given below is the dialing procedure to call Hong Kong From Singapore. You will find information on how to make an international call from Singapore to Hong Kong fixed line number or mobile number.

Calling Hong Kong From Singapore - Direct Dialing Numbers

To make a direct call to Hong Kong From Singapore, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Hong Kong mobile or land line from Singapore.

To call Hong Kong from Singapore, dial: XX - 852 - Area Code - Land phone number XX - 852 - 8 Digit Mobile phone number

XX - Access code for Singapore • Access code & service provider name is given below

000 | 001 - Singtel | 008 - Starhub | 002 - Mobile One | 012 - Fax Plus | 013 - Budget Call | 018 - StarHub VoIP | 019 - SingTel VoIP |

Follow the dialing format shown above while calling Hong Kong From Singapore.

  • 000, 001 - Singtel, 008 - Starhub, 002 - Mobile One, 012 - Fax Plus, 013 - Budget Call, 018 - StarHub VoIP, 019 - SingTel VoIP - Exit code for Singapore, and is needed for making any international call from Singapore
  • 852 - ISD Code or Country Code of Hong Kong
  • Area code - There are 2 area codes in Hong Kong. If there is an area code dial area code of the city in Hong Kong you are calling after dialing ISD Code. If there is no area code dial the Recipient's Telephone Number after ISD Code.

How to call a mobile number in Hong Kong from Singapore:

Given below is how you call an international call to a mobile phone number in Hong Kong from Singapore

• XX + 852 + 5 ??? ????
• XX + 852 + 6 ??? ????
• XX + 852 + 9 ??? ????

Hong Kong - Emergency Numbers

999 - Police, Ambulance, Fire

Hong Kong ISD Code

The ISD code or Country code of Hong Kong is 852.

Hong Kong ISD Code 852

Hong Kong Area Codes

There are 2 area codes in Hong Kong. You need to know the Hong Kong Area Codes to make an international call to Hong Kong from Singapore.

Find Area Code

XX - 852 - 2 - TEL #

* Ignore the number within bracket while calling Hong Kong from another country. The number within bracket is to be dialed along with area code only while calling within Hong Kong

City / RegionArea Code
Hong Kong3

When to call Hong Kong from Singapore

Know the time difference between Hong Kong and Singapore to schedule calls in order to avoid untimely calls.

Current time in Singapore :
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024, 08:45 PM +00:00

Current time in Hong Kong :
Tue, 30 Apr, 2024, 04:45 AM +08:00

Singapore time is 8 hours behind Hong Kong time

Enter Country From Which You Want to Call Hong Kong