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Agile vs. Waterfall Workflow (2024 Guide)

Agile vs. Waterfall: At a Glance

While agile and waterfall are both project management methodologies, they are very different in terms of their rules and uses. The agile model is team-driven, allowing team members to work simultaneously on different phases of a project. On the other hand, the waterfall model takes a more traditional approach with a linear progression through each phase. 

What Is Agile Workflow?

The agile project management method is a popular method for software development. It emphasizes teamwork, adaptability and self-organization. 

The agile method uses what is called a sprint, which is a two-to-four-week block of time. A team gets an entire project done within these few weeks. Because it is such a short amount of time, team members work on their parts simultaneously.

Daily stand-up meetings allow the team to discuss progress and identify issues. At the end of each sprint, there is a retrospective meeting to reflect on what went well and what needs improvement for future sprints.

Since its creation, the agile approach has spread beyond the software industry. There are now many subtypes, including:

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Lean
  • Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
  • Adaptive Project Framework (ADF)

What Is Waterfall Workflow? 

Like the agile method, the waterfall method is popular for software development. Where it differs is that it has a rigid structure. A well-defined and documented project plan is required upfront. Team members know their roles and responsibilities and are led by a hands-on project manager. 

In this method, you must finish one stage before starting the next. Typically, those stages include:

  1. Planning: This first stage is where you define the scope of the project. You describe the stages, timeline, budget and every other element that plays a role in getting the project done.
  2. Design: This is where the software developers come up with a plan of action for how to build the product. 
  3. Implementation: With the plan finished, the developers can carry it out.
  4. Testing: Before you release the product to the public, you must test it to ensure that it works as intended.
  5. Deployment: This is when the product goes live.
  6. Maintenance: Even with testing before deployment, your customers are still bound to run across bugs. The maintenance phase is where you fix these bugs. 

Agile vs. Waterfall: Key Differences

Now that we have defined each workflow, let’s take a closer look at how they differ from each other with the below comparison chart. 

FlexibilityOpen to changesResistant to changes
DocumentationMinimal documentationEach step laid out
SpeedA few weeks; several steps at a timeSeveral months; one step at a time
RolesTeam members organize themselvesDuties assigned to team members; led by project manager
CommunicationDaily, informal check-insInfrequent but formal check-ins

When To Use Agile vs. Waterfall

Agile project management suits teams that meet the following criteria: 

  • Rapid delivery times
  • Changing deliverables
  • Collaborative atmospheres

Waterfall project management works well for projects that have the following:

  • Clearly specified requirements
  • Predictable deliverables
  • Set timelines

Agile Benefits and Drawbacks

At the core of the agile methodology is adaptability. This flexibility has a couple of benefits. For one, the team can pivot if unforeseen changes in priority, budget or something else come up. Team members also get the freedom to choose how to organize their day. Another benefit of the agile method is its speed. You can finish tasks faster since everyone is working simultaneously.

The agile approach is not without its drawbacks, though. Its flexibility comes with unpredictability, as very little is defined and documented. Trying to get work done quickly can also lead to more errors and miscommunications.

Waterfall Benefits and Drawbacks

Since the waterfall method relies on thorough documentation, there is a high level of predictability and certainty. Every team member knows the project goal and the part they must play in helping to achieve it. This documentation also makes tracking and communicating progress easy.

Like any project management methodology, the waterfall approach has its weaknesses. The phases get worked on one at a time, which slows down overall completion of the project. In many cases, the work done on a phase must get approved by the project manager before work can start on the next phase, which slows down the process even further.

The Bottom Line

The agile and waterfall methods are two of the most popular approaches to project management. Agile is flexible, while waterfall is rigid. The waterfall method relies on clear instructions that are outlined before the project begins, whereas the agile method uses minimal planning to stay open to changes. As the methods are so different, it should be fairly easy to decide which one aligns with how your team works.

Frequently Asked Questions About Agile vs. Waterfall Workflows

Software development teams use both the agile and waterfall methods. However, agile tends to be more popular because of its flexibility. The tech world is constantly moving and changing, and the agile method caters well to that.

While falling out of favor, waterfall is still used for projects with specific requirements and definitive timelines.

Small companies can use either agile or waterfall. However, startups usually need to deliver products quickly with limited resources, which works better with the agile method.

Yes, you can Frankenstein a project management strategy with agile and waterfall. For example, you can do thorough planning before the project using waterfall and then execute the plan using agile.

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