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For teachers - Exam skills
Exam skills Exam Skills is a series of short audio programmes which give expert advice and practical tips on how to prepare for all aspects of English language exams.

We've created a bank of FREE downloadable worksheets to help you exploit the programmes in class, and to help your students feel confident and ready for their English Exams.

Preparation starts here:
4 programmes which take your students through the stages of planning and preparing for an exam, from choosing a course right up till the day of the exam.

Right from the start – this unit helps students to choose the most suitable course and exam.

Revision strategies - how to revise efficiently and effectively.

Practice exams – how to get the most out of them.

The day before and on the day: What to do when the exam is very close.

Vocabulary building

Vocabulary building
Building Vocabulary is a vital skill and an essential part of exam preparation. There are 3 programmes in this part of the series, each with its own set of worksheets.

Use a learner dictionary – what to do and what not to do.

Use it or lose it: Handy hints for learning new words.

Vocabulary notebooks and word maps: More techniques to help students organise their learning.

Confidence in writing

Writing exams
Writing Exams : confidence in writing is a vital skill, explored in this programme with 3 classroom worksheets.

Time management and other strategies.

Listening exams
Take the stress out of Listening Exams by using these programmes in class.

Making listening exams easier: how to approach listening exams.

Focussed listening: Help your students to become better listeners..


Speaking exams
Speaking Exams : a little preparation and a few strategies can go a long way in a speaking exam.

Students find out how to give themselves the best possible chance in an oral exam.

Reading exams
Reading Exams : time management and other strategies are explored in this programme.

Students find out how to give themselves the best possible chance in a reading exam.
More ideas

Still looking for things to do with Exam Skills in class? Here are a couple of ideas for activities which require no preparation, and will work with almost any Exam Skills programme.

1. Jigsaw reading / listening: use one of the areas of the website with more than one programme (e.g. ‘Preparing’). Put the students into groups. Ask each group to listen to or read one of the programmes and take notes. They should then compare these within their groups. Re-group the students so there is one person from each original group in each new group. Ask them to share what they have learned. This could also work well with the ‘Advice from IATEFL’ section of the website.

2. Exam Clinic Roleplay: ask the class to listen to one of the programmes and take notes. Assign the roles of ‘advisor’ and ‘student’ to half the class each. The ‘students’ should write down five questions they want to ask the advisor about what they have heard. The ‘advisors’ should study their notes and try to anticipate the questions the ‘students’ might ask. Re-pair the class so there is one ‘student’ and one ‘advisor’ working together. The ‘students’ should then ask their questions and the ‘advisor’ should answer as fully as they can. They can then swap roles and re-do the activity with the same or a different programme.

For these and more ideas for classroom activities, download this

list of teaching ideas (51 K).

And here's a note-taking template (40 K) for use with any Exam Skills programme.