The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Miss Manners: Who’s responsible for emptying the pockets of dirty laundry?

Advice by
April 17, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. EDT
3 min

Dear Miss Manners: Whose responsibility is it to empty pockets before pants go in the washer — the wearer, or the laundry-doer?

I am the primary laundry-doer in my house, but I will generally just wash clothes in the state that they come to me. I don’t turn things right-side out or empty pockets. I have laundered many coins, golf tees and rocks over the years, and generally let them pass without comment. I don’t want to nag, nor do I want to dig through pockets. The issue comes when a pen or tube of lip balm goes through the wash and ends up leaking all over the rest of the clothes.