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Workers Of The World Unite: Embracing Technology In Every Job

Forbes Technology Council

Brian Greenberg, CIO/CTO and partner at Fortium Partners. Adjunct professor at DePaul University, board member, trusted advisor and speaker.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working in several industries and many roles. The one constant was that I needed to keep learning along the way. There was always a new process to understand or technology to become familiar with. There was always something new, and as time went on, there was more and more technology to learn.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, a new reality emerged: Every worker, regardless of their field, is now a tech worker to some extent. This shift is not limited to the tech industry and IT; it encompasses every sector, ranging from healthcare, education and carpentry to food service, manufacturing and retail. As technology permeates every aspect of our lives, adapting and continually retraining has become paramount.

The New Tech Landscape In Traditional Fields

The phenomenon isn’t simply a trend in the job market; it’s a mirror reflecting how deeply technology has rooted itself in the fabric of our work life. Integrating technology into every conceivable profession signals a departure from the past, where a clear delineation existed between a "tech job" and a "traditional job."

• Consider a nurse in a hospital, traditionally seen as a healthcare role. Today, they must use sophisticated digital systems for patient records, understand how to operate advanced medical equipment and stay updated with the latest health tech innovations.

• Educators are now expected to integrate digital platforms into their teaching methodologies, which increasingly blurred the once clear line between a "tech job" and a "traditional job."

• Electricians, once primarily concerned with wires and circuits, are now at the forefront of installing smart home systems. This requires an understanding of electrical fundamentals, networking and digital connectivity. They are expected to be adept at navigating complex control systems and staying up to date with the latest smart technology.

• A carpenter, traditionally seen wielding hammers and saws, now uses design software for precision in woodwork, relies on advanced laser measurement tools for accuracy and may even employ CNC (computer numerical control) machines for intricate designs.

Continuous Learning: The New Norm

As technology continues invading the job market, a continuous learning and adaptability attitude is essential. The demand is no longer for workers who can perform a set task. Instead, the emphasis is on those who can learn, unlearn and relearn as technology evolves.

This dynamic is not restricted to mastering new software or tools; it also includes understanding the implications of technology on your industry, keeping up with cybersecurity concerns, staying ahead of digital trends, understanding how your data is managed and developing a mindset for innovation.

Technology: A Tool, Not A Threat

While some view this shift as intimidating, seeing it as an opportunity is more productive. Technology can be a potent tool to enhance efficiency, accuracy, creativity and productivity in any job when used effectively.

For instance, automation and AI can take over mundane tasks, freeing workers to focus on more strategic, creative aspects of their roles. These technologies need to be seen as rockets that will launch a person or company forward, and they must be fueled by the knowledge of how to steer the technology.

Ubiquitous: No Job Exempt

Wherever you look, technology is enhancing jobs. This doesn’t mean everyone needs to learn to write code in Python or become an IT expert and know everything about the cloud, but it does mean that tech literacy has become a fundamental skill, just like reading and writing. People must be familiar with essential tech tools and concepts relevant to their fields and be ready and able to explore new digital avenues as they emerge.

Reskilling: A Collaborative Effort

Ongoing reskilling is a responsibility shared by everyone, employees and employers alike. Companies must provide learning opportunities, time and resources to help their staff keep pace with technological advancements. These could include training programs, workshops, online resources or partnerships with educational institutions.

Overcoming The Digital Divide

A significant challenge in this tech-driven work landscape is the digital divide. Workers in underprivileged areas or those who lack access to digital resources are at risk of being left behind. Bridging this gap requires concerted efforts from governments, educational bodies and corporations. Becoming tech literate is no longer a nice-to-have but a necessary life skill everyone needs access to.

The Future Of Work

Looking ahead, the integration of technology into every job will only deepen. Fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science will increasingly become part of various job descriptions, not just those in the tech sector.

To thrive in this new era, workers must embrace their identity as tech workers, regardless of their job titles. This means being proactive in learning new skills, adapting to new tools and being open to how technology can improve their work and lives.

The call to unite as tech workers transcends traditional job boundaries and industries. It’s a call to embrace the new realities of the workplace, where technology is not just an enabler but a necessary partner in every career path. We can successfully navigate this new landscape by adopting a continuous learning mindset, seeking opportunities to upskill and leveraging technology to our advantage. The future of work is here, and it's undeniably tech-centric.

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