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Published on April 16, 2024
Hamilton County Homeowners Face New Property Tax Multiplier Adjusting to 0.9205Source: Google Street View

Hamilton County homeowners, brace yourselves for a tax adjustment. David Harris, director of the Illinois Department of Revenue, said the county's property has been hit with a new assessment equalization factor, or "multiplier," of 0.9205, a noticeable shift from last year's perfect 1.0000, as reported by the Illinois Department of Revenue. This year's figure aims for fair tax distribution across Illinois’ myriad local taxing districts.

With property assessments meant to roll in at one-third of market value, Hamilton County’s numbers are skewing low at 36.21%, leaving taxpayers puzzled. These figures, based on property sales from the last three years, determine how much each property owner should shoulder in the burden of taxes.

The method, while complex, isn’t designed to automatically raise citizens' tax bills. Instead, it's a balancing measure to ensure comparable properties cop the same tax treatment across the county lines, according to the Illinois Department of Revenue. Hamilton County's latest factor comes after a public hearing where the tentative 0.9205 figure was scrutinized and finalized.

While the ins and outs of property taxes might seem dense, local taxpayers should know a crucial fact; the final assessment adjustment doesn't directly dictate the ups or downs of your bill. If local taxing bodies such as school districts, don't ask for more money than they did in the previous year, total property taxes won't necessarily shoot up, even if your assessment does. It's a slice of cold comfort for homeowners watching the market with bated breath.