Wear Blue Day helps raise awareness about preventing child abuse and neglect

ALLEN COUNTY, OH (WLIO) - Wear Blue Day is a national effort to raise awareness about child abuse prevention.

Wear Blue Day helps raise awareness about preventing child abuse and neglect

Employees at Allen County Children Services and offices around the county were wearing blue to support those children who have faced abuse and neglect. Last year, Allen County investigated more than 830 reports of abuse and neglect. Officials say it's important for all of us to take part in the safety of the children in Allen County.

Wear Blue Day helps raise awareness about preventing child abuse and neglect

"Every day, there are people in our community that are making reports of abuse and neglect. There's people stepping up to mentor and look out for children, to really just be those heroes in our community to make sure that children are safe," said Sarah Newland, executive director of Allen County Children Services.

Wear Blue Day helps raise awareness about preventing child abuse and neglect

Thursday morning, Allen County Children Services will be thanking those who have looked out for the children's safety at their annual "Community for Kids" breakfast. You can learn more about Allen County Children Services by visiting https://www.allencsb.com/.

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