Survivors urged to seek support during Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Apr. 8—Advocates are highlighting solidarity with survivors in April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

On average, approximately 463,634 people are raped and/or sexually assaulted in the United States every year, according to the 2019 National Crime Victimization Survey from the U.S. Department of Justice. One in six women in the United States has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape, reports the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.

"It's pretty common unfortunately and we know from studies that it's more common than even what's reported, obviously a lot," said Andrew Parmenter, an assistant prosecuting attorney in Buchanan County. "It's a small percentage of cases that occur that are actually reported to law enforcement and then a smaller percentage of those that get submitted to us. But it's still a significant number, and so it's a real problem that people sometimes underestimate in their community."

In cases of sexual assault, it can be hard for survivors to come forward for help. Only about 31% of sexual assault cases are reported, meaning that two in three victims don't go to the police.

Parmenter said prosecuting sexual assault cases is difficult, as well.

"They can be very challenging," he said. "Due to the nature of the crime, many times there's not a lot of other witnesses, so the evidence is not as voluminous as you might have in other kinds of cases. A lot of times, you really have to rely on the victim's testimony."

Several agencies in St. Joseph are dedicated to assisting sexual assault survivors, including the YWCA, which has an emergency shelter for women and children, as well as housing and community support programs.

Corina Merritt is the survivor outreach specialist at the YWCA in St. Joseph. She said the organization has several special events planned this month.

"If you drive by the courthouse at night, they will have the dome light turned on in teal," Merritt said. "We are having a cornhole tournament. We've partnered with the air base and they're doing a color run. We also have the Teal Games at Missouri Western. We're doing several events with Missouri Western."

Merritt urged survivors of sexual assault to come forward and receive assistance, even if the incident happened years ago.

"It's just an unfortunate situation if anyone goes through a sexual assault, but the mental and physical ramifications that can come from it sometimes can be immediate or they may not affect you until later on in life," Merritt said. "And so it's very important to seek help, to get therapy, and to get the resources you need to recover from it. We just want people to know that they're not alone, it's not their fault and get them to the resources that they need so that they can heal from it and live a prosperous life."

The YWCA has a 24-hour crisis hotline that can be reached at 816-232-1225 or 1-800-653-1477.