Annie Webber

I am cofounder and CEO of Legal Hero, where we are making law simple for businesses. Having grown up in a family business, received a JD/MBA from Harvard, and practiced law at a major law firm before becoming an entrepreneur myself, I know how challenging, intimidating and
Feb 17, 2016

Raising Money From Friends And Family Part Two: Understanding The Convertible Note

Convertible notes continue to be extremely popular with companies raising money, but many founders and investors don't quite understand them. In this article, we explain how a convertible notes work and their most critical features.

Feb 3, 2016

Raising Money From Friends And Family: The Basics

Thinking of raising capital from friends and family? Read this first.

Jan 14, 2016

7 Common Startup Legal Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Legal mistakes can be incredibly costly for startups. Here is how you can avoid the most common mistakes.