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Julie Hansel brings a little 'sparkle' to life

Classic style comes with years of research for the Mayo Clinic event executive.

Your Style - Jules Hansel
Jules Hansel on Thursday, April 11, 2024, in Rochester.
Joe Ahlquist / Post Bulletin

Whether talking about her position as director of executive office events at Mayo Clinic or her life in general, Julie Hansel exudes a sparkle also visible in her style.

“I love the variety of work and the opportunity to meet with a wide variety of people,” said Hansel who moved to Rochester in 2020 after a 20-plus year career with Blue Cross and Blue Shield in the Twin cities. “And I absolutely love helping patients when I see them in the subway looking lost. When I started working at Mayo, the skip in my step got a little higher.”

“In my free time,” Hansel continued, “I enjoy traveling, spending time with friends and have recently taken up pickle ball. I am also bringing my golf swing back to life.” She added, “I am single with no children, I find great joy in being an aunt to all of my friends’ children.”

How do you describe your style?

Polished. Classic.


Any other words come to mind?

Sparkle. I have an old Kate Spade sparkle clutch. And inside there is a quote I love: "She tucked her coral lipstick away and floated back to the party." I always think of it when I am at a party putting on lipstick or otherwise — even though I wouldn’t be caught in coral lipstick. I like really bright pink.

Origins of your style?

I grew up in a really small town on the south central Minnesota-Iowa border and back when you could only shop from a catalog. I didn’t have a lot of options, but I always had all the subscriptions to Seventeen, Teen, Teen Beat magazines — I got them all and I started to think about what I liked.

Your Style - Jules Hansel
Jules Hansel on Thursday, April 11, 2024, in Rochester.
Joe Ahlquist / Post Bulletin

Any other sources of inspiration?

When I was young, I always admired a lady at church. I always thought she was so fancy. She was always so dressed up with matching shoes and purses and jewelry — so fancy. So I remember always just staring at her in church when I was little. And then, the Avon lady whose name was Babe. You know, who couldn't love the Avon lady?

Your most important wardrobe components?

Shoes, handbags and jewelry — because they always fit.


What do you wear at home, out and about or professionally?

Definitely athleisure — Lululemon or Mother jeans and a black top. I wear a lot of black — just because I think black is classic and it doesn’t attract attention. Or, maybe it does. Sometimes people say, "Oh, you always wear black?"

What do you hope your style communicates?

Professionally, that I look put together. And personally, that what I wear looks effortless.

Are you a hat person?

I own hats for warmth in the winter and in the summer when I’m out in the sun. Otherwise, not really. Sometime, maybe I will make it to the Kentucky Derby and I will add another hat then.

A priceless sentimental item?

My cross necklace. It was a gift and was blessed at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem where Jesus was born.


Any wardrobe surprises?

A satin pink Ladies jacket from Halloween. Also, Doc Martens sandals and Tommy Hilfiger plaid golf shorts from the '90s. Once, when my best friend looked in my closet, she could not believe I owned those. I will never throw them away because when I see them, it makes me remember how hard we laughed.

Preferred season stylistically?

I love putting on a pair of boots in the fall — for the first time. I do I like all seasons, but fall is wonderful. And it precedes winter.

Anything "Minnesota" about your style?

Only when I am attending a sporting event.

Parting thoughts?

When I was growing up, I had this silly little poem on my bulletin board: Imagine how happy and free I could be, if I would accept me, if I would laugh at my mistakes and faults every once in a while, and accept my mistakes with a shrug and a smile. I think we all need to be more accepting and that includes with style. Today, I would probably say that my motto is "Slap on a little lipstick and you'll be fine."


Your Style - Jules Hansel
Jules Hansel on Thursday, April 11, 2024, in Rochester.
Joe Ahlquist / Post Bulletin

Do you know someone who has unique style? Send nominations to life@postbulletin.com with "Your Style" in the subject line.



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