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Pujya Doss

april 02, 2024


The 10 Most Relatable K-drama Quotes for Everyday Life

In the end, fate and timing do not happen just by coincidence. They are the products of countless earnest choices that make up miraculous moments. Giving up and making decisions without reservation or hesitation.. That is what makes timing.

Image: tvN

Reply 1988

Evil always does what it wants without ever stopping. But why is it that virtue always needs to prove itself over and over again?” 

Image: tvN

Alchemy of Souls

I treated you the best that I could, so I have no regrets. The person with regrets should be you

Fight My Way

Image: KBS2

I like you whether you're a man or an alien I don't care anymore, I tried getting rid of my feelings, but couldn't so let's go, as far as we can go. let's give it a try

Coffee Prince

Image: MBC

It takes courage to give up too.

Prison Playbook 

Image: tvN

Because of you, my life is in chaos. You threw a stone into a calm lake. You must reckon for what you did.” 

Chicago Typewriter

Image: tvN

The thing about women is, the most common of women can become a queen, and the most rarefied woman can become a maid – according to how she is treated by the person she loves."

Secret Garden

Image: SBS

Sometimes, the wrong train takes you to the right station.

Crash Landing on You

Image: tvN

How do you share a happy goodbye with a loved one? It isn’t with sadness or fear. You simply share your happy moments for the last time together

See You in My 19th Life

Image: tvN

There are things you can see more clearly when you’re alone. And it’s not so bad to learn from the loneliness. The less you expect, the calmer your days are. It’s painful to genuinely want something

When the Weather is Fine

Image: JTBC


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