Three Sundevils won first place at the state powerlifting championships. Leandro Salazar was named Athlete of the Week recently, and so the other two are both this week’s choices.

Almeida finished second a year ago, but this time he would not be denied, as he won the 308-pound weight class by 90 pounds. His 550-pound deadlift was one of the best of the entire day, and a 450-pound squat and 310-pound bench press were equally impressive.

Purdy became the first Sundevil to win back-to-back individual championships, this year taking home the crown in the 132 class by a 95-pound margin. Purdy squatted 300 pounds, benched a personal best 190, and lifted 375 on the deadlift to take the medal and lead the team to a second-place trophy.

Almeida won this week’s Athlete of the Week digital poll with 74 votes out of 145.

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