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Vomiting Due To Food Poisoning: Here Are Some Food Healthy Food To Consider

Food poisoning can result in vomiting. Read on to learn about some healthy foods that can help you stop vomiting. 
Vomiting Due To Food Poisoning: Here Are Some Food Healthy Food To Consider

Experiencing vomiting due to food poisoning can be uncomfortable and distressing. While recovering, it's essential to consume gentle, easy-to-digest foods that won't further irritate your stomach. “Food poisoning is a foodborne illness caused mostly by contaminated food or water, which is typically infected with bacteria such as salmonella and E. Coli or viruses.  Usually, food poisoning subsides on its own and in exceptional circumstances, it might become serious and cause gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach's lining - both the large and small intestines - that causes abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea,” said Dr Brunda, Consultant-Internal Medicine, Aster CMI Hospital, Bengaluru. Here are some healthy food options to consider during recovery from food poisoning:

1. Clear Liquids

Stay hydrated by sipping water frequently throughout the day. It's essential to replace fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhoea. Herbal teas such as ginger tea, peppermint tea, or chamomile tea can help soothe the stomach and alleviate nausea. Drink electrolyte-rich beverages like sports drinks or oral rehydration solutions to replenish lost electrolytes and minerals.

Also read: Expert Shares What to Eat Right After A Bad Food Poisoning

2. BRAT Diet

Bananas are easy to digest and gentle on the stomach. They also provide potassium, which helps to replenish electrolytes. R stands for plain white rice that is bland and easy to digest, making it a suitable choice for settling an upset stomach. Unsweetened applesauce is gentle on the stomach and provides some natural sugars for energy. Plain, dry toast made from white bread can help absorb excess stomach acid and provide some carbohydrates for energy.

3. Simple Proteins

Plain, boiled chicken breast is low in fat and easy to digest. Avoid seasoning or sauces that may irritate the stomach. Soft scrambled eggs are a good source of protein and are gentle on the stomach. Cook them without added fats or seasonings.

4. Broths and Soups

Clear chicken or vegetable broth can provide hydration and some essential nutrients without taxing the digestive system. Plain vegetable soup made with well-cooked vegetables and a mild broth can be soothing and nutritious.

5. Plain Crackers or Biscuits

Plain crackers or biscuits can help settle the stomach and provide some carbohydrates for energy. Opt for unsalted varieties to avoid aggravating nausea.

6. Avoid Irritating Foods

Avoid spicy, greasy, or fried foods that may further irritate the stomach lining. Steer clear of dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghourt, as they can be difficult to digest and may worsen symptoms of food poisoning. Avoid high-fibre foods like whole grains, raw vegetables, and beans, as they can be hard to digest and may exacerbate gastrointestinal distress.

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7. Rest and Monitor Symptoms

Rest as much as possible to allow your body to recover from food poisoning. Listen to your body, and if symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention promptly.

When recovering from vomiting due to food poisoning, it's essential to focus on gentle, easy-to-digest foods and beverages that won't further upset your stomach. Clear liquids, bland carbohydrates, simple proteins, and soothing broths can help provide hydration and nutrients while allowing your digestive system to rest and heal.

As you start feeling better, gradually reintroduce solid foods and listen to your body's cues to ensure a smooth recovery. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

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