National Youth Day: Preparation Enters High Gear

The second preparatory meeting to organise the 52nd edition held in the Littoral Governor’s Office in Douala January 23, 2018.

A series of activities to celebrate the 52nd National Youth Day have been set up in the Littoral Region. The Commission charged with organising the event in the Littoral earmarked on two major activities: the national launch ceremony for the region will take place in Yabassi and Yingui February 4 and 5, 2018.

A part from these, the region will hold its normal programme with essentially cultural and sports activities.

Nevertheless, there are forums dealing with how to protect the environment and what kind of duty young people can find in protecting the environment, social and economic lives of youth which seeks to make known to students the profiles to have before looking for a job in an enterprise, as well as health activities that have to do with counselling and sensitisation.

The health programme will take plac...



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