Sound Off logo 2021

The dumbing down of America

Every time you read the paper, there’s another example of this country going backward. Tuesday, it was the State of Arizona and their zombie law of 1864 on abortion rights being resurrected. I guarantee you if men were having the babies, we wouldn’t even be having these discussions. On another note of incivility, I’m glad someone finally called out the noisy libraries. Not too many years ago, it was standard procedure to keep voices down at the library and we taught our children to do so from the beginning. I’m only familiar with one library in Citrus County and that is Lakes Region. There, not all but some of the staff is extremely loud and echoes all over the building. They say, “Well, people are hard of hearing.” Well, some people have always been hard of hearing, but civility was expected in libraries. What is the logic of things coming to this? The dumbing down of America comes to mind.

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