Britain | Je regrette quite a lot

Why most people regret Brexit

A majority of British voters now believe the split was a mistake

Supporters read copies of “The Brexiteer” party newspaper surrounded by empty seats.
True BrelieversPhotograph: Getty Images

IT IS RARE for voters to change their minds soon after referendums. Experience from Canada to Scotland, from Norway to Switzerland, suggests rather that opinions tend to move in favour of a referendum result more than they swing against it. But Brexit seems to be an exception. Since the 52-48% vote in favour of leaving the European Union in June 2016, the majority view among Britons has shifted, and especially so in the past two years, towards the conclusion that the decision was wrong (see chart).

Chart: The Economist

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "A matter of Bregret"

The next housing disaster

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