Joaquin, Tx

JOAQUIN, Texas - The rain and storms may have stopped, but flood threats continue for areas along the Sabine River.

Joaquin, in Shelby County, Texas, is right along the Sabine River, which has already reached moderate flood levels.

Shelby County Judge Alison Harbison issued a disaster declaration for the county. Texas Task Force One, Texas Task Force Two, the National Guard, and numerous fire departments from across the state have all come to the area to help out.

"I signed it because we were advised with how high the water was supposed to go. So, when I did that, then that would initiate all of the responses that you've seen. We're not equipped to handle high water, and they brought in high water trucks and everything, and then they've got rescue teams on boats and things like that,” said Harbison.

Currently, the Sabine River is at around 33 feet, and it isn’t expected to peak until 35.7 feet on Monday.

Shelby County has set up a shelter for anyone who needs to evacuate.


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