Noyo Food Forest Earth Day event in Fort Bragg gains an even bigger and diverse audience


2 thoughts on “Noyo Food Forest Earth Day event in Fort Bragg gains an even bigger and diverse audience

  1. Fort Bragg is the 1st N. Ca Coastal area I ever visited back in 1970. Haven’t been able to go for 13 years because of health but really miss it!!!! One day hopefully I can get there! 🙏

  2. I got this response from Ericka Lutz at Noyo Food Forest. I certainly want to give their side. My info from having been at the first and most of them is that people like Scott from Dirt Cheap were major sponsors and could be because of the cannabis industry. Now the NFF has innovative and created a much broader range of sponsors. It never openly courted this money but it was favored by many generous people, who can no longer be generous because of the collapse of the pot industry. Now they have new people over there. Never was any pot smoking tolerated, which once as a thing in Mendo, but this was for kids and never allowed.
    So point taken. But I disagree on one thing…ADA Access to Salmon BBQ, Earth Day and the rest of the events can and should be better, sorry. I cant take my disabled mom in law to most any of them even with the card.

    Ericka Lutz

    Mon, Apr 22, 8:24 PM (2 days ago)

    to me
    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for the write-up. You hit a lot of great aspects of the Earth Day Festival. However, the rest of the Board of Directors and I have concerns about your article, and we cordially request that you correct the items below.

    Our main objection is your linking of Noyo Food Forest with the cannabis industry. Noyo Food Forest, a 501(c)3 educational non-profit, is not affiliated in any way with the cannabis industry. You assert that seed money for NFF came from cannabis money with no evidence or attribution for these allegations.

    “While cannabis was not offered or consumed on Saturday, that was where money came from originally…. Now a broader base of support has been found, organizers said.”

    You told me that you relied on our website for NFF history… where did you find statements that the organization was originally funded by cannabis? What organizers said that we now have a different source of support?

    Frank, the pandemic absolutely threatened Noyo Food Forest’s existence. We lost board members. School was not in session (and our primary source of funding is the FBUSD farm-to-cafeteria program). Two years after our crisis, however, we are in a stronger position than ever. Our garden thrives. We have a strong expanded working board. We support the farm-to-cafeteria program, an intern program, a summer CSA box program, a vibrant community volunteer program, and garden workshops. We have multiple funding streams: fundraisers – including Earth Day –, grants, and donors. Since last fall, we have a new, exciting role collaborating with the school district and hosting the FBHS CTE Agriculture program. None of this has anything to do with cannabis.

    That the Earth Day festival fell on 4/20 this year is coincidence. For 15 years we have held the festival on the Saturday closest to Earth Day, April 22.

    We do appreciate the comments about needing better ADA access. There is always something to improve. However, using the example of the botanical gardens (which is a permanent institution) as a comparison with a once-annual event held in a high school field is not an appropriate comparison.

    Thanks for your attention, Frank.

    Best, Ericka Lutz and the rest of the Noyo Food Forest Board of Directors

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