City of Bowling Green hosts inaugural ‘Employment Open House’

The open house also included summer and part-time work to better help those just joining the workforce or needing an extra job.
Published: Apr. 25, 2024 at 10:44 PM CDT
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BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - If you drive down any street in Bowling Green or the surrounding areas, you’ll probably lose count of the “help wanted” or “now hiring” signs posted.

Joining this employee hunting crusade is the City of Bowling Green, which hosted its inaugural “Employment Open House” Thursday evening at the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Office.

All 10 departments that make up the City of Bowling Green workforce were on full display, showcasing the jobs they have available, and the benefits employees could look forward to.

“We’re out seeking the best candidates, not just for the fire department, but for all the different departments in the city,” said Justin Books, Fire Chief with the Bowling Green Fire Department. “We’re hoping that interested candidates throughout our city and maybe even outside our city, come to see the opportunities to work for, what we consider, the greatest place to work and that is the city of Bowling Green.”

Along with making various careers available, the open house also included summer and part-time work to better help those just joining the workforce or needing an extra job.

“So we try to iron out specific times available to them. So we do that with parks, we try to start doing some type of recruitment starting early spring, February, March,” said city Human Resource Manager Tiara Britt. “Then by the time they graduate or get out of college, we’ve got those jobs available for them.”

Though all groups made it apparent, that it takes a special amount of dedication to work for the corvette capital.

“You must be able to communicate, must have emotional intelligence, must be able to handle yourself in special situations,” Brooks said. “Hopefully, you’ve got the skill set and the thought process to handle yourself in life and then let that play over into the profession.”

But if that sounds like you, Britt said they’re always looking for more people to join the family.

“Because the city is growing just like with our fire department, but dispatch and then the two officers associate positions. So we’ve got one for public works, there’s going to be a new position, so they’re going to be doing a whole bunch of new different things with them.”

Britt added that anyone who may still be looking for a job but couldn’t make it to the fair, is more than welcome to visit her at the Bowling Green City Hall.

The city also posts available positions on their website.