Local organization holds cotillion, honors excellence in young women

JACKSON, Tenn. — An annual event that promotes excellence in young women returns for another year.

The Nu Sigma alumnae chapter of Jackson, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, presented the 72nd Miss Debutante Annual Scholarship Cotillion.

It was held an the Carl Perkins Civic Center this evening, April 19, beginning with a reception followed by the cotillion.

Organizers say the program is designed to promote and cultivate scholarships, leadership, poise, character, and excellence in the selected young ladies.

“We have ladies that have reached scholastic achievement, community service hours and are also pillars in their community so we choose those ladies based on application and this is a scholarship pageant to allow them to get money to further their education,” said Interim President for Nu Sigma Alumnae chapter in Jackson, Clara Johnson.

Eight ladies were the recipients of scholarships this evening.

Funding for the scholarships for the Miss Debutante Cotillion come from solicitations, corporate and patron donations.

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