RFK Jr. Claims He Can Win The Election With Only a Third Of The Vote: ‘I’m Close To That In a Bunch of States’


Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed in a recent interview that he can win the 2024 presidential election with only 33% of the vote, adding he’s already “close to that in a bunch of states.”

RFK Jr. spoke with Raymond Arroyo, Fox News contributor and host of The World Over on the Eternal World Television Network, which features Catholic-themed programming:

ARROYO: Mr. Kennedy, you are polling, amazingly, at 26% in Michigan, and this has scared not only the Biden campaign, the Trump campaign has started a new website, “Radical F***ing Kennedy.” That’s the name of the web site. Yet, you maintain, that they approached you about being President Trump’s vice president. They say that didn’t happen.

RFK JR: It did happen, and it happened on multiple occasions. There’s many people in that campaign and there’s people in the press, including The New York Times, who’s interviewed people on the campaign who’ve said, “Yeah, we asked him.” So, I don’t want to, I don’t care about winning that argument or not. I just mentioned it as kind of as a, you know, as a paradox.

But, we’re, all we need to do is to get to 33% to win the election. Yeah, you don’t need 50%. It’s a three-way race, it’s really a five-way race. So, all I need is to get to 33%, and I’m close to that in a bunch of states. I’m beating President Trump and President Biden among all young people in this country. Everybody under 35 in the five battleground states. I’m beating them among all voters under 45. I’m beating them now in the biggest cohort, which is Independent voters.

Also in the interview, RFK Jr. said he no longer recognized the Democratic Party he grew up with, arguing, “Now, we have a Democratic Party that’s fighting to diminish the amount of choice that Americans can have, to diminish the amount of choice Americans can have to vote for the candidate that they want to vote for. It’s almost — and they’re very open about it, saying, ‘Our strategy is to make sure nobody can run against Joe Biden. And, you know, this is the old Soviet system.”

Watch the clip above.

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