
Node.js | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

shutterstock 1108024643 Sauropods dinosaur in tropical landscape
shutterstock 2227591131 common Swift bird in flight over sunlit green grass

Team, happiness, high five

5 ways to use JavaScript promises

Developers use JavaScript promises to model asynchronous operations in web and server-side programs. Here's a quick look at five ways to use promises in your code.

man jumping agile change jump celebrate dance flexible by frank mckenna unsplash

Bun 1.1 JavaScript toolkit backs Windows 10

Bun 1.1 also features speed and reliability updates and improvements for Node.js compatibility.

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Deno boosts dependency management with JSR

Deno 1.42 brings faster startups, improved Node compatibility, and support for a new open-source package registry designed for TypeScript.

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Deno shrinks deno compile binaries

Deno 1.41 promises to reduce the size of ‘deno compile’ binaries by half and introduces an official build for Linux ARM64.

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Deno adds API for date and time operations

The Temporal API eases advanced data and time computations including daylight savings time arithmetic, addressing shortcomings in JavaScript’s Date object.

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Deno adds Deno Cron for job scheduling

Deno Cron jobs can perform actions such as updating state in Deno KV, pinging a website, sending email, initiating a database backup, and calling an API at regular intervals.

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Deno 1.38 features HTML documentation, hot module replacement

The latest updates enhance documentation and client-side navigation in Deno and the Fresh web framework.

Mathematics, equations, pie chart, objects

Using JavaScript's built-in objects

Built-in JavaScript objects and functions are ones you'll use all the time. Here's how to use Object, JSON, String, Math, Date, and console in your JavaScript programs.

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Node.js 21 brings WebSocket client

Latest release of popular JavaScript runtime also features test runner improvements and enhanced V8 engine.

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Latest Node.js boosts stream performance

Node.js v20.8.0 release also brings memory management improvements that address longstanding memory leaks.

magic wand starts trick

10 JavaScript concepts every Node developer must master

Want to build efficient and scalable Node.js apps? Learn how to make JavaScript work for you, not against you.

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Deno runtime now integrates with Jupyter Notebook

Deno 1.37 highlights integration with Jupyter Notebook for scripting and analysis and improved VS Code extension support, among other updates.

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Bun 1.0 is out of the oven

All-in-one toolkit for building, testing, debugging, and running JavaScript and TypeScript is available in a production-ready release.

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Node.js upgrade adds environment variable config

The JavaScript runtime also boasts ECMAScript modules.

Stacking. Stacked building blocks.

Intro to Hapi: The Node.js framework

Hapi is a Node.js framework that features a high-quality code stack, powerful configuration, and dialed-in extensibility—all without added dependencies. Let's take Hapi for a spin.

HTTPS prefix in a web browser's search/address field

Deno unveils faster, simpler web server API

The Deno.serve() API promises significant performance benefits and allows developers to create a web server with a single line of code.

Flowers, celebration, surprise

Latest Deno release supports NPM packages

Deno 1.34 improves NPM and Node.js compatibility and adds support for Globs, TLS certificates, and more.

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Deno 1.33 debuts built-in key-value database

Currently in beta, Deno KV is a strongly consistent key-value database integrated into the open-source Deno runtime and designed for JavaScript, with the ability to store any JavaScript structured serializable value.

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