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RSSI values in SimpleBLECentral project


I'm currently working on the SimpleBLECentral project and will like to know whether there is a way to receive RSSI values without establishing a connection with a certain peripheral device. Can I receive a RSSI value when a device is found during the scanning operation ?. 

  • Hello. Yes, this is possible. The advertising report structure that gets forwarded to the application contains the RSSI of the advertisement:

    // LE Advertising Report Event
    typedef struct
      uint8  eventType;                       // advertisment or scan response event type
      uint8  addrType;                        // public or random address type
      uint8  addr[B_ADDR_LEN];                // device address
      uint8  dataLen;                         // length of report data
      uint8  rspData[B_MAX_ADV_LEN];          // report data given by dataLen
      int8   rssi;                            // report RSSI
    } hciEvt_DevInfo_t;

    In simpleBLEcentral, for example, these are processed in the GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT case of the simpleBLECentralEventCB() function