Over the Counter: Head lice is an itchy problem

Dr. Gary Kracoff and Steve Bernardi

As children return to school, it is a time for them to renew friendships and to settle into a new routine. It is also a time, however, when infectious illnesses soar as the tight quarters of a classroom can be an ideal environment for germs. One childhood malady that can be particularly challenging is head lice. Just the words alone are enough to make the toughest among us squirm.

The parasites, whose technical name is pediculosis capitis, infest the scalp and live off of droplets of blood, and create physical and emotional discomfort for children as well as a lot of hard work for parents to rid their children and their homes of the organisms.

Lice has often wrongly been associated with people who are unclean and unhealthy. The stigma associated with the uncleanliness can also be to blame for the creatures being passed from one child to the next. Parents are often hesitant to tell anyone at school about it and that leaves school officials at a disadvantage in limiting its spread.

Head lice infect hair on the head and are found more often on girls with longer hair. Tiny eggs hatched by the organisms, called nits, can easily be mistaken for flakes of dandruff. The nits, however, stay on the scalp and hair until they are removed either by hand or by a product, or by both methods. Moreover, without an intervention, the nits become lice and live for weeks and can easily be transferred by clothing, car seats, or head-to-head contact, such as a hug.

The symptoms of lice include intense itching of the scalp (and consistently feeling no relief) as well as small, red bumps on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. Despite the itching, head lice is thankfully not a serious medical problem and they do not carry disease.

If your suspect that a child has lice, or if you are notified that a child's friend or schoolmate does, you need to examine the head very carefully. Be sure to use disposable rubber gloves and view the scalp under a bright light or during the middle of the day when the sun is shining. You may also need to use a magnifying glass or flashlight to help with the examination.

Part the hair all the way down to the scalp in very small sections, looking both for moving lice and nits on the entire head. Look closely around the top of the neck and ears, the most common locations for eggs. It is crucial to treat lice if even one egg is found.

Public health officials are concerned that toxic remedies are becoming ineffective as the parasites adapt and survive through the toxic treatment.

There are non-toxic remedies available. Quit Nits is a homeopathic preparation that is clinically proven to eliminate head lice and nits, with both a treatment cream and a spray that prevents re-infestation. The treatment cream is thoroughly worked into the hair and then the head is covered for four hours. The cream is then washed out and the lice and nits are gone.

If not using Quit Nits, the lice and nits can be removed with a special comb. To do this, rub olive oil in the hair or use beeswax on the comb to make the nits easier to remove. Metal combs with very fine teeth can be helpful. Removing nits with a comb will prevent the lice from returning and should be done in conjunction with any treatment. Another alternative is Neem shampoo, derived from organic, botanical extracts, which has also been said to be effective in treating head lice.

Also, wash all clothes, hats and outerwear, bed linens, and car seat covers in hot water with detergent. This also helps prevent head lice from spreading to others during the short period when head lice can survive away from the human body. You should comb for nits every few days for up to a week to ensure that they have been fully removed.

There is no shame in head lice. It can affect any child and does not relate to personal hygiene. It's crucial to alert your child's school or child care upon detecting head lice so that other parents can be alerted.

A good place to start in trying to prevent head lice is to teach your children not to share brushes, combs, hats and other clothing. For girls, a shorter hairstyle can decrease the risk of getting head lice, as can keeping hair back in a ponytail.

Head lice is not a topic that parents want to think about. But being on the lookout, understanding the treatment, and quickly taking the necessary steps can make it just another rite of passage, rather than a hand-wringing, head-scratching dilemma.

Steve Bernardi is a compounding pharmacist and Dr. Gary Kracoff is a registered pharmacist and a naturopathic doctor at Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center in Waltham, Mass. ( Readers with questions about natural or homeopathic medicine, compounded medications, or health in general can email or call 781-893-3870.

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