Things that aren’t here anymore

Bill Ruh wrote me a nostalgic e-mail which became the main topic of today’s column. He recalled past department stores and restaurants of his Inland Valley youth, places like W.T. Grant’s, Berger’s and the Rockette.

As promised in that column, today is set aside for your comments about Ruh’s list or about your own recollections of “things that aren’t here anymore.” Click on the “comments” button below and start writin’.

If you’re new to this blog, you can explore past entries by clicking on the roll call of categories or months along the righthand side. The “Eateries Past” link will be of particular interest — you can read comments there about Ontario’s old Mural House, for instance — as will the “Reminiscin'” link, which contains another Ruh reminiscence about car dealers of the Inland Valley’s past. When you’re reading an entry, click on the “comments” button to read what others wrote; sometimes they added intriguing info.

As will you, I hope. Thanks for dropping by.

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