♦ January 12th 2016 Governor Nikki Haley delivered a Republican State of The Union rebuttal speech that was specifically intended to undermine and ridicule presidential candidate Donald Trump.
The wording within the speech itself was constructed, coordinated, and by her own admission, approved by Washington DC Republican Leadership (Ryan/McConnell).
♦ Thursday November 17th, 2016, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley met with President-Elect Donald Trump.
♦ The next day, Friday, Governor Haley delivers a speech to the Federalist Society where she discusses the 2016 presidential election and how candidate Trump’s successful presidential bid was a rebuke of those DC republicans who wrote her script in January.
Her remarks begin at 11:44 of the video belowYou decide her current intent:
Our outline of Governor Haley’s GOPe speech in January can be found HERE.
