Pab hluas seev cev Nerve Dance Crew

Nerve Dance Crew

Nerve Dance Crew is a salad bowl who share the love of K-POP music dance performance in Victoria Source: Courtey of Nerve Dance Crew

Pab hluas neeg Korean uas nyiam K POP dancing thiab xav npaj kom lawv muaj peev xwm ua tau zoo tshaj no ib kauj ruam ntxiv, tsis yog cov neeg Korean Australian xwb tab sis tseem muaj lwm cov neeg zejzog li Irish, German koom nrog thiab. Mloog lawv cov lus tham nrog SBS Hmoob tias vim li cas lawv thiaj seev cev, muaj lub homphiaj dab tsi thiab cov tub koom siab uas tsis yog neeg Asian uas tau los koom pab tub seev cev no ho xav li cas?

Nerve Dance Crew Yeej tau muaj Nerve dance Crew qee tus tub koom siab tau koom Hmong Australia Festival xyoo 2019 dhau los lawm, thiab xyoo 2020 no los yeej raug caw kom rov qab koom seev cev tsim kev lom zem rau lub koom txoos no thiab.

Paj Cai Xyooj uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Hmong Australia Festival los yeej qhia tias lub hom phiaj ntawm lub koom haum no yog ceev Hmoob lub cim thawj kom txhob ploj qhia kom lwm cov neeg zejzog paub txog Hmoob thiab tsim kev koom tes thiab sib cuag mus los nrog lwm cov neeg zejzog ntawm xeev Victoria no. Uas yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev. 

Nws tseem tau hais ntxiv tias tej neeg ntau pab ntawm lwm cov neeg zejzog tuaj koom lub koom txoos no yeej tsis tau nyiaj dab tsi, lub koom haum no tsuas yog ib lub sam thiaj txhawb nqa rau ntau pawg neeg ua yeeb yam kom muaj kev sib nkag siab kev sib totaub ceev txuag tau tej keeb kwm thiab tej kab lis kev cai ntawm ib tsav neeg tseg cia thiab sib cuag tau nrog lwm cov neeg zejzog ntawm nroog Melbourne no xwb. Hos lwm cov neeg zejzog lo los yeej muaj lub hom phiaj zoo tib yam li no.

Los sis yog saib tau Austin Virathone uas yog tus neeg tswj ntau ntawv rau lub koom haum Hmong Australia Festival daim yeeb yaj duab uas nws yees tau ntawm no:
Rome uas yog tus coj pab tub seev cev Nerve Dance Crew los yeej tau qhia tias nws pab hluas zoo siab heev tau tuaj qhia txog Korea POP music cov kev seev cev thiab tau pom ntau cov neeg zejzog nrog rau tej zaub mov thiab Hmoob tej kab lis kev cai mas yog tej yam zoo heev.

Pab tub seev cev no tau pib seev cev rau thaum lig xyoo 2018 uas xub muaj 3 leeg xwb tab sis tam sim no muaj txog li 12 leeg koom ua ke lawm. Lub hom phiaj yog tuaj sib sau sib ntsib thiab seev cev ua kev lom zem ntawm nroog Melbourne.

Saib tau pab hluas Nerve Dance Crew ntawm Southbank, Melbourne uas seev cev nrog BTS zaj nkau:
Thiab yog koj xav saib pab hluas no ntau cov kev seev cev ces mus txheeb xyuas tau ntawm lawv cov thiab  platform tau.

Tsis tas li no yog tias koj xav saib lawv 3 cov kev seev cev thaum lawv tuaj koom kev lom zem nrog Hmoob lub koom txoos thov nyiaj pab hav zoov kub hnyiab ces txheeb tau ntawm 
Rome uas yog tus coj pab tus seev cev no hais tias -cov kev seev cev no tau pab kom peb tau tuaj koom sib sau ua ke, thiab ntawm nroog Melbourne no los yeej muaj ntau pawg seev cev K POP culture tab sis yeej tsis tshua muaj tej neeg paub txog pes tsawg. Tau muaj ib tug tub koom siab hais tias 'yog tsis muaj peev xwm ces yuav ua tsis tau ib yam dab tsi li.
Tab sis txij li thaum tau muaj tej hluas nyiam cov Korean POP music no coob tuaj ntxiv hauv ntiaj teb no lawm, Australia tej hluas los kuj yog ib feem uas tig los kub siab txog thiab. Tab sis yeej tsis tshua muaj neeg paub tias muaj Australia tej hluas ntau pawg seev cev thoob teb chaws Australia no thiab. 

Nyob rau tib lub caij no txij li thaum yav lig xyoo 2011, SBS kuj tau tsim tsa ntau tshooj xov xwm   uas muaj radio, podcast, xovxwm thiab TV los nthuav qhia txog Asian pop music culture coj lso ua kev lom zem rau Australia tej hluas, pab kom lawv tau txais kev zoo siab thiab tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo.
Rome qhia tias peb sawv daws nyob ntawm xeev Victoria no xwb. Feem ntau yog nyob sab qab teb hnub tuaj thiab sab hnub poob ntawm nroog Melbourne no. Peb tuaj mus sib sau seev nrog KPOP music ua ke ntawm nroog Melbourne thiab siv caij nyoog tuaj sib ntsib sib cua nyob ua ke."
Tab sis qhov zoo ntawm pab tub seev cev no mas yog muaj ntau cov hluas ntawm tej neeg zejzog ntau lub tau los sib koom ua ke, tsis hais yog cov neeg zejzog Suav, Nyab laj, Fillipino, Scottish thiab German/Italian tib si. Ua yog raws nkaus Australia lub tswv yim multicultural society los yog Multiculturalism.
Lucus uas nws niam thiab nws txiv yog neeg German thiab Italian hais tias "cov kev yog ib tug neeg txawv tej neeg zejzog thiab tsis zoo li cov neeg Asian no kuj yog tej yam ua rau yus xav paub thiab tias ua li cas ho muaj peev xwm pab kom sawv daws los sib sau tua ua ke ib pab thiab muaj kev lees paub sawv daws. Vim rau qhov pag hluas no yeej tsis cais tias yuav pub leej twg koom xwb tab sis sawv daws yeej muaj peev xwm koom tau thiab muaj kev lom zem rau cov kev seev cev no. Yog li thiaj ua rau kuv zoo siab tias tau koom nrog pab hluas no, txawm tias muaj qee zaus kuj yog tej yam nyuaj vim tsis yog tej kev koom tau yooj yim li ib txwm coj, tab sis kuj yog tej yam ua rau yus kawm tau qee yam kab lis kev cai tshiab uas txawv thiab kawm tau lwm yam kev cai tshiab thaib ces thiaj yog ib lub meej mom tshwj xeeb heev uas tau koom nrog pab hluas seev cev no.

Mloog tau SBSHmong rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm SBS Hmong Facebook thiab subscribe los sis yog download thiab mloog tau ntau cov podcasts (xov xwm ua suab) ntawm google podcasts, spotify, thiab apple podcasts los yog download SBS Radio App kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong.
