
Multi-media Marketing: Using Different forms of Media to Market Your Business

Marketing in the 21st century has changed from traditional 20th century marketing. It now incorporates dozens of forms of media: radio, video, print, online and offline. To reach an audience that never stands still, marketing has to be in several places at once. Read on for an overview of some of the more popular media marketing strategies.


Video Content

YouTube is the place for the majority of video content. Every minute, about 300 hours-worth of video are uploaded. Some companies prefer to upload the video material to their own website, while other businesses choose to upload their video content onto a combination of different social media channels as well as onto their business website.

With the limited attention span of most of modern society, creating content that is both captivating, not overly long, and still gets your message across is key to successful marketing. This, however, can be difficult. Most people hire external companies for video content, as quality videography may not be covered in their advertising department’s job description.

By way of explanation, it is worth noting that the three primary forms of video advertising are:

  • Original content: This is prerecorded promotional material that is created by or for a company advertising their brand or a particular product attached to the brand. A typical example of original content is a traditional TV commercial.
  • Sponsored content: Sponsored content is when brands and companies sponsor an event (such as a sport, music event) or TV or web show, in exchange for brand exposure. They do this either by making their brand or logo visible during regular programming or at the open and close of ad segments. The primary goal of this content is always aimed at showing the brand in a positive light.
  • Product Placement or Influencer marketing: Typically, this means that the business pays a related celebrity or internet personality to wear or use their products as a way to advertise it to their fans. For the purpose of this article, let’s assume that the business is a global football clothing and gear manufacturer.

A primary way to advertise products contract the top football icons to demonstrate or wear products linking to the brand during practice and matches. Video content is then to created showing the celebrity using the products on camera, or testing and talking about the products. Video production services are useful in case you need a professional look for your ad.


Radio advertising has changed very little over the years. In essence, it is still a prerecorded audio clip advertising the brand’s products or services is played in a pre-selected timeslot.

On the other hand, a podcast is a digital audio file that is created and stored on the business’s website. Furthermore, it is downloadable onto a desktop/laptop PC or a mobile device so that consumers can listen to it in their own time.

Podcasts have only really come about in the last decade as internet access, speed and quality have improved. Podcast adverts can be much the same as radio ads, though both can also fall under sponsored content, as podcasts and radio programs may also be sponsored.

Print Media

Print media has undergone very little change. Newspapers, magazines, posters, and billboards all fall under print media, as do advertisements on cars, the sides of buses and bus shelters and physical post. However, when it comes to newspapers and magazines, print media readership has declined somewhat. This is primarily due to the increased ease with which readers are able to access reliable, authoritative digital media content.

Digital Print Media

Because of the decline in readership, many companies use digital print media – side ads and banner ads are becoming less effective though, Adblock and “ad blindness” mean people are less likely to see or notice advertising alongside regular websites. They are quickly able to tune out, ignore or disable sidebar ads and pop-ups. Digital print media also includes email marketing, sending out promos and specials, and email newsletters.

Multimedia marketing also covers social media, viral marketing campaigns, and several others. It’s more advisable than marketing through a single media platform because your reach is much greater. By advertising in many ways and many places, far more people will see or hear about your product or service.

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