Courtney Thorne-Smith: I Like Botox

The actress admits she's been getting injections for about 10 years

Photo: Charles Sykes/AP

Many women – and men – in Hollywood deny it, but Courtney Thorne-Smith is more than willing to admit to using Botox.

“It’s never been a secret in my personal life – I’ve just never been asked by the press,” says Thorne-Smith, 44, the new celebrity face of Botox. “I’ve used it, I like it, it works well for me. That’s just the simple truth.”

The actress and mother of a 3½-year-old son owns up to first getting injections about 10 years ago, when the lines on her forehead started to bother her.

“I found I’ve been able to use it and have full expression and look really normal,” she says. “I found the frown line was distracting me – I was conscious of it. Now I’m not.”

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“My hope is that if I take good care of my skin and use Botox, I won’t have to use anything else,” says Thorne-Smith, who then adds: “Never say never. I always want to look like myself – that’s key for me. I don’t want to look like a different person, I don’t want my face frozen.”

Reporting by ALEXIS CHIU

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