Quality of Daily Living Politics vs Anger, Grievance & Vengeance against others Politics

Quality of Daily Living Politics vs Anger, Grievance & Vengeance against others Politics

How will America judge the effectiveness of both our politics and politicians?

2021 has delivered a convergence of tangible public policy, quality of life impacts, quiet respectful leadership and demand side economic realism against radical American terrorism, culturalized hate driven by Radical Trump/Pro-Dictatorship Conservative Mainstream Media, supply side economic fantasies and a lack of public policy. We have spent 4 years of pure hell during Trump, 8 years (2010 through 2017) gridlock under a Radical Trump/Pro-Dictatorship Republican led House of Representatives, 6 years (2015 through 2020) under the Grim Reaper Mitch McConnell & the Pro-Dictatorship Republican Senate and almost 50 years under Supply Side Economic theory/Government is the enemy/Tax cuts are the savior and the quality of life for the overwhelming majority of Americans haven’t improved at a pace comparable with previous generations. Tangible policy that directly touches the stages of life, the personal economics of families and the ability to end each year better off than the previous year has been replaced with victim shaming, outrage at issues that don’t impact one’s daily life and a constant state of grievance. State legislative bills and new statutory laws regarding restricting voting rights, allowing non-Trump votes to be invalidated for no purpose, banning “yoga”, MLK/Civil Rights Movement, or Native American History from schools for fears of exposing children to Buddhism or that White people may have done bad things in the past or making student athletes stand for the National Anthem don’t impact voters or non-voters households and ability to provide for your family.

So, how should we evaluate our politics (parties, candidates and officials), our different levels of Government, the media that covers them and how they impact our lives? What’s a better evaluation model than tribalism hatred, boastful arrogance, White grievance, worship of a vengeful man and dehumanizing demonization of “others” is parroted as “American Values”? I take stock in what my Grandparents on both sides of my family shared with me and the other grandkids (which was taught to them by our Great Grandparents, Great-Great Grandparents and further back) about how to evaluate the world & it’s relationship with our quality of life (separate of spiritual faith):

  • Start first with home and how does your actions and the actions of the external world impact your home life.
  • Then you expand to consider your ability to earn enough money to make a living (via employment, starting/running a business joining the military) and earn enough money to end the year in a better financial position and with less debt than the previous year.

They taught myself and my cousins that if you have clarity and purpose in these areas (including a pre-determined awareness of how you want the external factors to be impacted for your personal goals), then you have the foundation to take an active role in broader abstract topics, such as climate change or foreign affairs. They gave us a standard of thought that is organic and can translate to the environment of 2021 as well as they did in 1891 or 1951 for their life circumstances. They also instilled an understanding of the phrases of our lives, which have their own unique ecosystem and self-contained cycle of birth, growth, maturity and death. We can translate these self-contained periods into seven life cycle stages that you individually and your immediate family collectively are cycling through. The seven stages of the personal and family life cycle comprise different stages of life are:

  1. Birth and childhood
  2. Puberty, adolescent
  3. Achieving Independence/Post High School Life Status Attainment/Accomplishment - 4 Life Paths (College admission, Military Service, Skilled Trades or Entrepreneurialism)
  4. Coupling and/or marriage & & starting work/career/entrepreneurism
  5. Parenting: raising babies through adolescents.
  6. Launching adult children & continuing work/career/entrepreneurism.
  7. Retirement/senior years through the end of life.

These stages are intersectional to the development of wider public policy deliverables for consideration via quantifying the range of quality of daily life (QDL) categories and applying them as a personal evaluation model for public policy direct, indirect and induced impacts in the seven life cycle stages that intersect a voter’s life. Using this model will allow one to craft a voter/constituent centric checklist to evaluate candidates for elective office, elected officials, administrative officials and separately, the bills, acts and appropriative decisions that they make that relate to and impact the QDL categories for your individual life.

The following list of 16 quality of daily life (QDL) categories is comprised of factors, events and actions that directly impact the daily/weekly/monthly life of all Americans (including non-citizens with legal or non-legal immigration status, children, business owners, entry-level workers, CEO’s, self-employed contractors, etc.). Simply put, does your Congressperson, State Legislature, School Board, President, Municipal, County, State and Federal Government address these specific categories that impact your daily life. Officials and candidates who spend time on non-quality of daily life (QDL) categories are not providing a return on investment for your vote. The categories for evaluation are as follows:

  1. Employment decisions – flexibility of choice or survival need, job loss, change or promotion, change in daily employment environment & impact on personal life.
  2. Income growth(decline) and method/source(s) – stagnate, increasing or decreasing year by year? Source through primary job, multiple jobs, self-employed contracting, starting a functional business.
  3. Buying a new home or renting/leasing a home/apartment – affordability, area, size, quality of the home, condo or apartment, accessibility to work, school & other required daily/weekly/monthly intersections.
  4. Personal income profitability - Ending the year in a profit or loss from the previous year (more money in your bank account and other saving vehicles that you can access at the end of the year vs. the beginning of the year.
  5. Equity capacity in home ownership – gaining or declining? Upside down in mortgage or has equity for other activities?
  6. Ability to sell your home (homeowner only) – at a profit or loss and rationale (survival decision – economic underwater, economic maintenance & stabilization or equity access for upward mobility or capital investments in other business activities).
  7. Housing mobility and stability (moving from your home) – choice to a newer, bigger home or having to make an emergency housing decision due to financial difficulty and strain, stability of housing situation.
  8. Birth or adoption of a child and raising a child(ren).
  9. Transportation capacity – ability to purchase or lease vehicle, quality of vehicle, vehicle maintenance costs, transportation costs either by driving oneself, arranging rides, or the ability to use public transportation.
  10. Empty-Nest & End stage life planning - major disability or long-term illness, caring for aging parents, preparing for retirement.
  11. Shopping access – food/groceries, clothing, household needs, furniture, personal care, entertainment,
  12. Technology needs – computer, internet, Apple or Android phone, streaming services, apps, social media, etc.
  13. Education selection choice, quality of products and associated costs – Childcare cost & accessibility, Access to Educational systems (Pre-School, K-12 & College/University) and proximity to home, quality of the educational facility (for self or child(ren)), College or University costs for self, K-12 costs for children, College or University costs for children.
  14. Relationship and marriage capacity - Dating, engagement, and marriage (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), divorce, separation or widow situation.
  15. Health care outputs – Insurance, Medication management, well-care and fitness, primary & specialist care needs, cost of care and access to insurance and care.
  16. Home management capacity year-round – utility services (especially during extreme weather conditions), quality of neighborhood, perceived safety, intra-home management support services, recreational activity accessibility, Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous neighboring population

These 16 QDL categories can be grouped into 6 clusters of life impacts that extend beyond your household and are part of the boarder community economic and social fabric that defines broader growth or decline:

  • Personal Financial Strength – When account for income and expenses, did you reach December 31st with more cash on hand (money in checking & savings account), have a net positive debt reduction year (have more available credit on all cards, reduced the loan principal of your home or car loan by more than the calendar year share of principal tied to the loan) and have a net increase money invested in fixed assets than January 1st of the same year.
  • Housing Stability – Did you stay current or ahead of current on mortgage/lease/rent payments, property taxes & utility bills during the course of the calendar year.
  • Wealth & Asset Capacity Building – Can you buy a home, buy investment securities (stocks, mutual funds, etc.), start or invest in a business, start a Money Market or CD account?
  • Essential & Enjoyment Spending capacity – Enough money to meet normal and customary family expenses and has enough clearance to pay for extracurricular enjoyment activities without increasing credit card debt/balances.
  • Educational actions & spending – Can pay for school and childcare expenses (textbooks, fees, sports assessments, clothing, private or parochial school tuition) for children, help with student expenses in College or pay for College or continuing professional education for yourself?
  • Lifestyle & Health spending activities – Health insurance, Medical Service co-pays, deductibles & co-insurances, prescription drug costs, fitness costs, athletic wear, etc.

The grand experiment of democracies and constitutional republics where debate, discord and hard fought comprise are required to achieve the personal and community outcomes of QDL and life impact clusters versus the easy path of authoritarian vengeful driven fascism where your side dominates all others and leads in a cultish punitive manner against any discord is punished and banished, to magically place benefits to the loyal subjects. To paraphrase Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman, its day vs night, Son of Krypton vs Bat of Gotham. “Cultural Wars”, “Cancel Culture”, Fear of being “Replaced” by Non-White voters or White liberal voters or other mindless drivel pumped incessantly by the Radical Trump/Pro-Dictatorship Conservative Mainstream Media into the minds of people seeking “someone to blame” or an “easy answer” to their challenges becomes their reality. This is the crux of the alternative metric system that those in the Radical Trump Republican and Pro-Dictatorship Republican movement use to measure elected officials, candidates and society in general. Its emblematic in the Tucker Carlson propaganda show on the 1/6/21 Trump Terrorist Attack, to the hero-worship of Kyle Rittenhouse & the Congressional performative shitshow displayed by Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, MTG, Lauren Bobert & others absent of any policy recommendations to cover the 16 QDL areas and 6 life impact clusters. Here’s the primary list of grievance positions that the Radical Trump Pro-Dictatorship Republicans bellow across the public square:

Radical Trump Insurrectionist, Pro-Dictatorship Republicans cultural agenda

·        Donald Trump is right about everything and you either are with him and his supporters or you’re against America (Trump is America) and don’t belong in America anymore.

·        Everything will be easy, happy and great again once we get rid of the “dangerous Democrats” and “any who oppose Trump”.

·        Rules, criminal and civil justice and prosecution should only apply to the “dangerous, criminal, Democrats” and any allies of their Anti-American, Anti-God practices.

·        Anti-LGTBQIA rights, Anti-LGTBQIA medical access and Anti-LGTBQIA societal participation state bills are needed to protect “our America” from the evil, demonic Democrats & their allies.

·        “Religious freedom” policy to codify discrimination and demonization of Non-Trump Catholics, Jewish, Muslims, Non-White Christians and White Non-Evangelical Non-Trump/GOP aligned religions and install an American White Supremacist Evangelical Theocracy Dictatorship.

·        Voter Suppression, restriction and prevention of Democratic and 3rd party voters from having equal access to voting as Radical Trump Insurrection Republican.

·        Conduct fake audits & dispute all results from majority Non-Trump precincts, cities, Counties & States and install laws and officials to invalidate all Democratic, 3rd Party, Independent & Non-Trump votes.

·        Anti-abortion and Anti-Women’s health laws, unless the health care needs are approved by Trump, his Radical Trump Media outlets and elected officials.

·        Manhood (White manhood) is being threatened by women, “Me Too” movement, the growth of the LGTBQIA community and the diversity shown at work, in entertainment and popular culture.

·        Anti-Protest & Suppression of civil dissent/free speech that’s not approved by Trump, his Radical Trump Media outlets and elected officials.

·        Social Justice movements are oppressive Anti-American Marxist institutions.

·        Expanding ease of access and carry of guns and assault weapons to protect against the evil Government, the evil Democrats & the evil Others.

·        Empowering White Trump Aligned people to self-deputize to patrol and serve as protectors of the realm against race traitors and dangerous non-White criminals and be rewarded by Trump & the Radical Trump Conservative Mainstream Media.

·        White replacement theory, America defined as White greatness mythology & benevolence & anti-Nonwhite persons.

·        American education must be free of mention of negative factual White history and dissenting approaches to overall education and must institutionalize “Pro-America, Non-Objective, White Supremacist based” indoctrination in all levels of education.

·        The only Media to trust is the Radical Trump/Pro-Dictatorship Conservative Mainstream Media (Fox, Sinclair, OANN, NewsMax, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, American Greatness, RSBN, etc.) and all other media is your enemy and should be jailed for working against “Our America”.

·        Covid-19 Pandemic, Vaccine requirements, passports, and mandates & Public Health Laws – Public health rules and policies are the devil.

None of those Radical Trump/Pro-Dictatorship Republican cultural narrative points address any of the real-world daily factors that impact a household, unless your household is driven by a constant sense of anger, false placement of blame for negative outcomes in life and fearmongering against others “displacing people like you”. If this drives your life versus paying bills, buying a home, raising a family, then quality of life policy and efforts to address your needs through those actions won’t matter to you. This is partly why the policy agenda and successes of President Biden’s administration doesn’t register with this segment of America and is absent in the Media communications ecosystem of the Radical Trump/Pro-Dictatorship Conservative Mainstream Media. Its also why the rest of Non-Trump Pro-Democracy elected officials, administrative officials and Traditional Mainstream Media must reorient the communications on Quality of Daily Living and Life Impact clusters while aggressively attacking/challenging the Radical Trump Pro-Dictatorship & Pro Trump Terrorism forces on the lack of daily life policy proposals and lies of their “cultural (White Supremacist) agenda”.

Going forward, it is important for policy analysis, communications and contrasting that the battle for True American Values be centered in real tangible pragmatic terms. Policy plans like the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Build Back Better Act (should be retitled as the American Families Investment Act) all provide a significant number of direct financial and institutional investments into this family, exactly as we’ve invested in Corporations and Large businesses, through tax breaks, incentives and credits/rebates to encourage them to spend on workers, facilities and suppliers in the US. Tying action, policy and direct benefits to the 16 Quality of Daily Living categories and underlying 6 Life Impact Clusters can help voters and nonvoters both to realize the way Government works for them and what will be loss if the Radical Trump Pro-Dictatorship candidates and officials take over all levels of American Government. Their agenda ignores the aspects of what truly makes America special, its families, its communities, its ability to grow and evolve from our mistakes and its successes. We have a choice, what is America, what are American values and what do we want as a Return on Investment from our Governmental bodies, elected officials and candidates. It will be either direct value return on the quality of life for all Americans regardless of political tribe or it will be the revenge-based hatred of a Pro-Dictatorship band to benefit their supporters only.

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