With the help of a photo posted on their social media pages, Jasper National Park is highlighting precautions visitors to the popular park should take during elk rutting season.

Elk rutting season is between September 1 and October 15, and Parks Canada said during this time, bull elk are “particularly belligerent” and will charge at anything that comes to close to them or their mates.

A picture posted on Facebook shows the side of a Parks Canada pickup truck with four holes punched in it and asks: “Why should you stay in your car when viewing elk during the rut?”

According to the accompanying post, the holes were made by a charging bull elk. The truck had been stopped at a traffic light when it was hit.

“No one was hurt, but this is a great reminder about the continuing elk rut and the need to give wildlife space,” the post said.

On a page dedicated to safety around elk, Parks Canada said visitors are in danger during elk rutting season if a bull elk appears agitated. Signs of agitation include his antlers lowered towards you, and pawing the ground or if the animal is seen thrashing bushes.

Parks Canada said visitors should stay at least 30 meters from elk, and during rutting season, to never stand or park a vehicle between a male and female elk as it increases the chance you or your vehicle will be attacked.