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Magic mushrooms are seen at the ...
Peter Dejong, The Associated Press
Psychedelic mushrooms are seen at the Procare farm in Hazerswoude, central Netherlands, in this 2007 file photo.

Initiative 301 passed and those of us who worked with Decriminalize Denver are thankful! I am grateful for the support of voters, stunned by the outcome, humbled at the opportunity, and excited to continue this work.

Decriminalizing psilocybin in Denver is a clear signal to the rest of the country that Americans are ready for a broader conversation around psychedelic mushrooms and that nobody deserves criminal penalties for using them. This makes all the more sense given that psilocybin has such promising medical potential and that the U.S. is starving for alternatives to tackle the nationwide crises in addiction and mental health.

Since nearly half of Denver did not support the initiative, I understand this dialogue needs to be handled delicately and with the utmost respect to all of Denver’s residents. As the campaign director, I believe it is my civic duty to ensure that all interested Denver residents and city officials have access to the most accurate information regarding psilocybin mushrooms. I especially want to hear questions and concerns from Denverites who voted against I-301 — your voice is an invaluable addition to the dialogue and deserves to be heard. We welcome the conversation, and we’re committed to education, responsible use, and policy adjustments.

To get this conversation started, I would like to take this opportunity to address some of the concerns I’ve heard and to share some facts.

There is one thing we don’t have to be so concerned about: addiction to psilocybin mushrooms. Some drugs, like cocaine and heroin, are highly addictive. Some are addictive but less so, such as cannabis. It is widely agreed that psychedelic mushrooms and their signature compound, psilocybin, are virtually non-addictive. Moreover, there is good evidence, from research conducted decades ago and from recent studies, that psilocybin can actually help to treat addiction — combined with a program of supportive therapy, psilocybin taken just once or twice appears to help some people quit smoking or stop drinking.

When taken in nontrivial amounts, the mushrooms are powerful, temporarily changing consciousness in profound ways. As we noted on our website, their use poses some real risks, mostly psychological and behavioral. It matters very much how the mushrooms are used. The following points, which are far from a complete guide, offer a flavor for what responsible use can look like.

First, psilocybin is not for everyone. Knowledgeable clinicians caution that some people should not take psychedelics at all, including people with a personal or family history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Second, if someone has a serious condition like major depression or PTSD, they would do well to get serious, professional help before using psilocybin and to ask that caregiver’s advice.

Third, don’t go solo with nontrivial doses. Have at least one trusted friend (called a sitter, guide, or facilitator) with you, sober during the entire journey, and commit in advance to honor that person’s instructions if he or she tells you to not do something. Psychedelics can amplify the whole range of human emotions, including anxiety which can sometimes lead to panic. Having a sitter gives you a certain comfort and mental freedom, and can help keep things safe.

Denver is a microcosm of the underground network of guides, researchers, doctors, therapists, patients, cultivators, organizations, and healthy, normal people who use psilocybin mushrooms. This may come as a surprise for many.

Regardless of this new law in Denver, psilocybin has been used for centuries by humanity for healing, rights of passage, and spiritual development, and (as something that occurs naturally). It is here to stay. We’d do better to encourage responsible use for beneficial outcomes rather than forcing psilocybin use into the shadows.

This is the most important fact: using psilocybin with reverence reduces risk and maximizes benefit. In cultures that have long used it beneficially, it is approached with great respect, not haphazardly. By destigmatizing psilocybin, while maturing dialogue and education around its use, our culture could also hold this compound in a reverent light with a positive impact on public health.

The intent of this initiative was to create protections for those who are already using psilocybin and to set precedent to liberate this naturally-occurring substance, open up an inclusive dialogue, shift perception and continue the grassroots effort to sensibly reform policy.

Kevin Matthews is the executive director of the Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, and Education and he was the campaign director for Decriminalize Denver which put Initiative 301 on the ballot and advocated for its passage.

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