Teaching Writing in the Cayman Islands

Submitted by Rachel Narcho on the 2018 spring semester program in the Cayman Islands sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development…

This week, I started working on my edTPA, and have found it a bit stressful to juggle course work, edTPA and student teaching lesson plans. I have set mini-goals each week to accomplish parts of my edTPA, plan ahead and save time for myself.

Students interacted with Scratch Jr., an educational app that allows students to be introduced to the world of coding. Students enjoyed being able to pick an avatar and to get them to move by instructing it to do so.

Students are getting very excited about our non-fiction writing. They are creating one non-fiction story a day on topics they are interested about and know a lot about. They are proving that they are experts. We brainstorm and give them mini-lessons to help improve their writing and the rest is on them. Students get so excited when they see “Writing” posted on the wall on the schedule and for their special “writing pencils”.

Over the weekend, I chose to walk down the length of Seven Mile Beach and swim back. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. It allowed me to take a second to slow down and appreciate this wonderful place and experience.