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RECENTLY WE saw Molly-Mae Hague slam a popular beauty treatment, claiming that it gave her "a full beard".

The 22-year-old reality star told her fans that she had a dermaplaning treatment, to help get rid of her "peach fuzz".

Molly-Mae Hague recently revealed that a dermaplaning treatment caused her to grow "a full beard"
Molly-Mae Hague recently revealed that a dermaplaning treatment caused her to grow "a full beard"Credit: YouTube / Molly-Mae Hague

However, much to Molly-Mae’s dismay, the procedure actually resulted in more facial hair growth.

The YouTuber said that she regretted getting the treatment done after the hair started growing back more "rapidly".

During a makeup tutorial on YouTube, Molly-Mae revealed: "If you guys can see that I do have a little bit of a beard, we're not talking about it.

"I need to speak to you guys about my battle with dermaplaning - and just wish I never got dermaplaning.

"I basically have a full beard now."

Following this, a makeup expert has weighed in on the dangers of dermaplaning and has set the record straight on what this procedure is doing to your skin.

Dermaplaning is a treatment which exfoliates your skin and removes any facial hair, or "peach fuzz", leaving you with a soft base. 

There have been ongoing concerns over if we should be touching our facial hair and if the treatment can lead to more hair growth.

There are no scientific facts that confirm hairs grow back thicker and faster and dermaplaning is safe for all skin types.

However people who are prone to active acne, sunburn or flaring rosacea, risk infection due to the irritation from razor to skin. 

The misconception of dermaplaning is that it’s a hair removal treatment, it is in fact a superficial exfoliation treatment. 

Saffron Hughes, a makeup artist at FalseEyelashes.co.uk, is here to put the record straight and share the five dangers of dermaplaning.

1. It can reactivate cold sores

If you don’t fancy a nasty cold sore on your lip, you might want to give dermaplaning a miss.

Makeup artist Saffron Hughes revealed that dermaplaning could cause cold sores
Makeup artist Saffron Hughes revealed that dermaplaning could cause cold soresCredit: Getty

If you rub or scratch your cold sore, it can increase the risk of contagion.

According to Saffron, if you have a history of cold sores, you should let your doctor know before dermaplaning as any exfoliating treatment can trigger a flare up. 

However, if you do really want the treatment done, your doctor might be able to give you an antiviral to prevent outbreaks.

 2. It might trigger redness

If you have an active acne or rosacea flare-up, dermaplaning might not be the best option for you.

Dermaplaning could also lead to redness and inflamed skin
Dermaplaning could also lead to redness and inflamed skinCredit: Getty

Whilst it doesn’t cause more acne, Saffron highlighted that the sharp edge could aggravate existing pimples causing increased redness and inflamed skin.

So if you are prone to spots, dermaplaning might not be a good idea if you’ve got a big event coming up.

You don’t want to be left looking looking like a tomato before a big night out, do you?! 

 3. Sunlight could cause reactions

After the treatment, your practitioner will suggest that you avoid the sun and heat exposure for 3 to 5 days. 

If you do have a dermaplaning treatment, you should avoid sunlight afterwards
If you do have a dermaplaning treatment, you should avoid sunlight afterwardsCredit: Getty

During the summer, it can be difficult to avoid the heat, so it’s advised to wear the highest SPF to minimise the risk of hyperpigmentation. 

However, Saffron stressed that even then, heavy exposure can leave your skin feeling sore and red.


So if you do want to get dermaplaning done, it’s best to avoid the sunlight if you don’t want your face to flare up. 

 4. You’ll have to maintain the treatments

If you don’t want to get yourself into yet another beauty cycle, then look away now.

It's recommended that you keep up dermaplaning on a regular basis to avoid the hair growing back quickly
It's recommended that you keep up dermaplaning on a regular basis to avoid the hair growing back quicklyCredit: Getty

According to Saffron, once you begin the process of dermaplaning, it’s recommended to maintain this monthly to achieve the desired results. 

Results can last between 3 to 6 weeks depending on your skin type and age; however, hormones and genetic factors determine how quickly new cells and new hair can grow back. 

As the treatments can be costly, many people turn to DIY dermaplaning, which can increase your risk of irritation, scratches, and cuts - so it is something best left to the professionals.

 5. Could produce ingrown hairs

As with any type of hair removal, dermaplaning can cause ingrown hairs. 

Saffron explained that ingrown hairs are a result of dead skin trapping the hair in the follicle so it can’t push through and could cause folliculitis.

Ensure you are make-up free and dry before dermaplaning to reduce any risks of ingrown hair. 

If dermaplaning does cause ingrown hairs, use a gentle exfoliator directly on the area to prevent anymore from developing.

Dermaplaning can cause ingrown hairs so it's best to leave it to the professionals
Dermaplaning can cause ingrown hairs so it's best to leave it to the professionalsCredit: Getty

Meanwhile, I’m a skincare expert & these are the beauty mistakes you’re making that are causing damage to your skin.


Also, I’m a make-up artist – the simple trick to making your bottom lashes look fuller in an instant.

As well as this, I’m a beautician & you’ve been doing your skincare routine all wrong… here’s why you shouldn’t do it just before bed.
