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Fans of "Shawshank Redemption" may recall the character Brooks, the prison librarian who killed himself after leaving prison. A brief montage shows him getting a job bagging groceries and living a lonely life inside a halfway house. Eventually he carves "Brooks was here" in a ceiling beam and fashions himself a hardware store necktie. If Brooks decided to write a comic
Universal Press Syndicate. Courtesy: Everett Collection.
Fans of “Shawshank Redemption” may recall the character Brooks, the prison librarian who killed himself after leaving prison. A brief montage shows him getting a job bagging groceries and living a lonely life inside a halfway house. Eventually he carves “Brooks was here” in a ceiling beam and fashions himself a hardware store necktie. If Brooks decided to write a comic

For those few people still reading newspapers in print, turning to the funny pages only ends in pun-inspired rage. To celebrate ‘Garfield’ creator Jim Davis’ 71st birthday, here’s our look at those cartoons that fill newspapers with colorful characters while leaving readers filled with confusion and anger.