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The 12 Most Hilarious Vanity Plates Newly Spotted In Quebec

These keep getting more ridiculous.
The 12 Most Hilarious Vanity Plates Newly Spotted In Quebec

As vanity plates gain more and more popularity in Quebec, it has become increasingly common to spot them on the streets of Montreal and around the entire province. All the hilariously original plates in the province always manage to find their way to the Facebook page "Montreal Vanity Plate Spotting."

READ ALSO: Quebec Is Rebuilding A Giant Raised Highway Through Montreal And They Have No Idea When It Will Be Completed

TL;DR Vanity plates are gaining popularity in Quebec and drivers are getting more and more creative. Below are photos of 13 original plates newly spotted in the province.

New photos featuring the most unique and hilarious plates are added by members of the group each and every day.

There are too many to count at this point, so in order to help you avoid scrolling through all the un-funny and mediocre plates, here is a carefully handpicked collection of some of the best and funniest vanity plates newly spotted around La Belle Province. What would your ideal plate read?

Via Olivier Lessard-Huard‎

The one that's always angry:

Via Stephan Tremblay‎

The die hard poultry-lover:

Via Sean Rossi‎

The sweet breakfast lover:

Via Jonathan Dos Santos Realinho‎

The self-proclaimed shoe collector:

Via Justin Klumak‎

No explanation needed:

Via Brittany Taylor‎

Do you hear that?

Via Sin Man

The see ya later!

Via Domenic DeLorenzo‎

The empty pockets:

Via Carmine Ciccotosto‎

The fast food aficionado:

Via Kevin Therrien-Barriault‎

The legalization lover:

Via Anna Maria‎

The Mediterranean auto:

Via John Lanni‎

Stay tuned for more!

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