Diane von Furstenberg and Edward Enninful Host One Celestial Bash at Claridge’s

If there’s one city that takes the holidays seriously, it’s London. And at Claridge’s, fashion icon Diane von Furstenberg and British Vogue editor in chief Edward Enninful cohosted the Zodiac party, a celestial bash to toast the hotel’s Christmas tree, created by Von Furstenberg. Those who joined the festivities were an equally glittering (and illustrious) group, including Dynasty legend Joan Collins, intrepid award-winning journalist Christiane Amanpour, and Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece.

Drinks were modeled after the four elements—air, earth, fire, and water—and enjoyed before guests moved into the ballroom for delectable and warming nibbles such as truffle lobster risotto and the signature chicken pie. Afterward, magician David Blaine captivated guests including Gareth Pugh and Carson McColl, while the evening also provided a few laughs from comedian Gad Elmaleh. Finally, the duet of music from the Soul Jets and Charlotte Lawrence alongside Claridge’s plum and amaretto tart provided the perfect ending to the evening.