The White Oak ISD bond project is “very close” to completion, Superintendent Mike Gilbert said Tuesday.

The $19 million bond project approved by voters in May includes new school roofs, middle school science labs, an athletic field house, high school science wing, air handler systems at the primary, intermediate and middle schools and an elevator at the middle school.

Rain and a redesign have delayed the roofing portion, but Gilbert said contractors are “95 percent complete.”

“What’s left is a lot of trim work. They’ve got the roof on. They’re some flaps hanging over. ... They can do that in the rain so that can be finished in a couple of weeks,” he said.

Teachers are moving into the middle school science labs, Gilbert said. He said the dressing rooms in the field house are ready so coaches “can get our kids in there and get them situated.”

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Gilbert said the trainer room, equipment storage and laundry facilities are in operation. Contractors are finishing “punch list” projects in middle school science labs and field house, he said.

“They’re still little things that need to be done,” Gilbert said. “I know down there (at the field house) there’s some touch-up paint still to do, some tile work that still needs to be finished up, window treatments and those kinds of things.”

In June, Gilbert said crews were “looking at the first or second week of September” to have the high school science labs completed. He now said the labs will be finished “towards the end of October.”

The high school has science labs to hold class in, so the work doesn’t affect classes, Gilbert said.