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CIA fires dog who wasn’t ‘enjoying’ explosive detection training


This pooch is in the CIA’s doghouse.

One-and-a-half-year-old female black labrador Lulu was dropped from the CIA’s explosive detection program because she was “not enjoying herself.”

“Our trainers’ top concern is physical & mental well-being of K9s,” the agency announced Wednesday.

“They made difficult decision & did what’s best for Lulu: stop her training.”

Lulu, the smallest puppy in her class, was training at Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia when she started exhibiting disinterest in the program.

“All dogs, just like most human students, have good days and bad days when learning something new. The same is true during our puppy classes. A pup might begin acting lazy, guessing where the odors are, or just showing a general disregard for whatever is being taught at the moment. Usually it lasts for a day, maybe two,” the CIA said.

“But for some dogs, like Lulu, it becomes clear that the issue isn’t temporary. Instead, this just isn’t the job they are meant for. Lulu was no longer interested in searching for explosives.”

Instead, Lulu was adopted by her handler and now spends her time “playing with his kids, sniffing out rabbits and squirrels in the backyard, and eating meals and snacks out of a dog dish.”

“We’ll miss Lulu, but this was the right decision for her,” the CIA said.

“We wish her all the best in her new life.”