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All-time most legendary football recruit says he was offered $1M and *oil wells* by colleges

The Oklahoma running back featured in "The Courting of Marcus Dupree" and ESPN's 30 for 30 "The Best That Never Was" has more stories to tell.

Former Oklahoma running back and high school standout Marcus Dupree was on Highly Questionable with Bomani Jones and Dan Le Batard to discuss his recruitment back in the 1980s, and LeBatard asked him to recount the best things he was offered.

Dupree said he was offered $250,000 per year by one school, but his mom wouldn't let him take it. Another school had a very unusual offer.

Dupree: 'Well, let's see. I got offered some oil wells.'

Le Batard: 'You got offered an oil well? What does one say to that? Do you know how to work an oil well or the profits from an oil well? I don't even know what my follow-up question should be.'

Dupree: 'Well at that time, I didn't know. I didn't know. I knew about oil.'

Dupree also had some crazy stories about the NCAA, who seemed to know everything about him and his family.

'They used to tell us what time we got up, what time we went to bed, what time we finished watching the news. I mean, they knew everything about my mom — bank account, whatever else, they could come in and tell us everything. They had a whole crew in there, and I didn't even know it until the last week of recruiting, how many people were there. It was like I was the president or something.'

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