
Microblading: Another Beauty Trend Leads to Pain for Detroit Woman

Eyebrow microblading is one of the hottest trends in the beauty world.

It's like a tattoo - tiny needles sculpt the perfect shape, but before you try it out - there's a warning. A woman in Detroit had a bad reaction to microblading.

At first - she saw a lot of redness then she noticed small bumps. And then the pain and swelling began and at one point - she had to be hospitalized for three days.

"There are a lot of variables in this case, so, is the patient allergic to the ink that they actually tattoo you with? That's no. 1," Dermatoligist Stephen Grekin said. "Is she allergic to something they used to prep the skin? Did she get an infection by being told not to wash her face for two days?"

Do you do beauty trends if they're risky?

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