Shena Hardin, Dangerous Driver, Made To Hold 'Idiot' Sign In Cleveland (VIDEO)

Cruel And Unusual Punishment?

Shena Hardin, the 32-year-old Ohio woman sentenced to hold an "idiot" sign after being convicted of dangerous driving, has been carrying out her punishment on a cold junction in Cleveland, reports WPTV.

Hardin made headlines around the world last week after being given the unusual punishment for avoiding waiting behind a school bus unloading children by mounting the pavement.

She was ordered to stand at the junction with a sign reading: "Only an idiot drives on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus" from 7.45am to 8.45am two days this week.

Hardin gained worldwide notoriety after the video of her dangerous driving hit the internet

Hardin arrived wrapped up in a thick black coat, smoking a cigarette and trying her best to hide her identity with a hat and dark glasses.

She also had her licence suspended for 30 days and was ordered to pay $250 (£156) in court costs, reported the Guardian.


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