But what is daylight saving time, exactly, and what is the point of it? Read on to find out. spring equinox starts and ends ...
B eloved by some and bemoaned by others (as evidenced by calls to get rid of it altogether ), daylight saving time is the ...
Politicians and professional organizations across America are pushing to axe daylight saving time (DST) -- but the practice is more popular than you might think. ipuwadol Clock this. Politicians ...
The one hour time change is a challenge to the body’s naturally occurring internal clock, or circadian rhythm.
An early proponent of daylight saving pushed for the time-shift so he'd have more time to hunt insects. Meet some of the bugs whose names he inspired and stories he helped tell. In the early 1880s ...
Dr Eva Winnebeck, lecturer in Chronobiology at the University of Surrey, told MailOnline: 'Chronobiologists warn against the clock change to Daylight Saving Time – each spring or even permanently.' ...
The US, the UK, and most of Europe implement Daylight Saving Time (DST), which involves pushing the clocks forward by an hour for the spring, then pulling them back by an hour to regular Standard ...
That dreaded time of year is almost upon us: daylight savings is coming to an end. This means you’re going to be blessed with an extra hour of sleep, and also seasonal depression. Okay ...
A bill introduced in the California Senate would get rid daylight saving time and put the state on year-round standard time. Miami Herald File There they go again, trying to mess with time.
People in a big chunk of Australia's south-east are still observing daylight saving time — which means there are currently ...
Daylight saving has 80 per cent support in Australia and a majority in every state. But why? And how does it work?
Millions of Australians went to sleep in one time zone last night and woke up this morning in another. That's because daylight saving time ended (not forever, though, just for the next few months).