3 patients who received platelet-rich plasma (PRP) microneedling procedures, or “vampire facials” at VIP Spa in New Mexico, ...
It has been confirmed that three women who received 'vampire facials' at a medical spa in New Mexico have contracted HIV as a ...
It has been more than 40 years since the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and scientists still don't fully understand how ...
An investigation was launched after a woman diagnosed with HIV in 2018 disclosed having received a procedure involving ...
Opens in a new tab or window (Seth Pincus, Elizabeth Fischer, Austin Athman/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious ...
Central YMCA was fined £7,500 for a data breach exposing HIV information of support program participants, prompting the ICO ...
The basketball legend reveals that it’s support from his doctors and wife that have helped him survive his 1991 HIV diagnosis ...
A study has compared the development of HIV reservoirs—locations in the body where the virus persists in a latent state—between patients who receive either early or late medical interventions. The ...