Scientists say Speculoos-3 b exoplanet orbits a star that will be one of the last to shine when the universe grows cold and ...
An international team of astronomers has detected a new, Earth-sized planet just 55 light years away, orbiting an ultra-cool ...
The link between renewable power and environmental conservation inspired project representatives to visit Sindekile Primary ...
This new extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is named Speculoos-3b and is located relatively close to the Earth, just 55 ...
Speculoos-3b, 55 light years away, is only second planetary system to be found around an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
Researchers focused on ultra-cool dwarf stars, which will be the last thing to burn out in the universe, and found an ...
Astronomers have just discovered a new Earth-sized exoplanet around SPECULOOS-3, an 'ultracool dwarf' star as small as Jupiter, twice as cold as our Sun, and located 55 light-years from Earth. After ...
Astronomers have detected a new Earth-sized planet, which is just 55 light-years away. It is orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf ...
Astronomers have discovered SPECULOOS-3b, an Earth-sized planet orbiting a cool star, possibly without an atmosphere.
Knowing when dinos evolved their stable internal thermometer could help scientists answer questions about how they lived ...
The sunspot AR3664, which is about 15 times wider than Earth, has finally rotated out of our planet's view — but not before ...