Microsoft has undergone several product rebrands over the years. They would've been good PR moves if the resulting product ...
Microsoft is pulling the plug on Hotmail, replacing it with something called, an old name for a new service. Anyone who observes IT trends in general and Microsoft in particular had to ...
Forwarding and POP3 Accounts Like many other webmail clients, Hotmail allows you to forward messages from your account to other email addresses. If you use another email address as your primary ...
Hotmail and Outlook Express are both Microsoft services that help you manage your email. Outlook Express was an email client that downloaded and saved your email on old versions of Windows.
One spectacular example is the wildflower that is aptly named: wine cup. The blossoms are a brilliant color of scarlet that ...
In October, we reported that many users of Microsoft's older email service were not able to access their old emails when they switched their accounts to the company's new ...
DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I’ve had several near-miss love-at-first-sight relationships where I fell in love big time, right away. Then I fell out of love, as soon as the other person started to catch up ...
As Gmail celebrates its 20th anniversary, it seems email has always been there, but it is an imperfect tool and with the ...
The Lawton Police Officers Association has created a non-profit geared towards supporting youth sports in the community.