Student reporters write real news; and like any professional, can get push back when the facts aren’t flattering.
The First Amendment is arguably the most crucial in the Bill of Rights. But the extent of its protections is often ...
M aurice Leon “Mel” Opotowsky, a former newspaper editor and tenacious free press advocate who was known for helping to advance 1st Amendment rights, has died.
TikTok says it plans to challenge the law that could ban it in the US in court. Experts think it's got a fighting chance.
NPR's Ayesha Rascoe speaks with Sarah Ludington of Duke University's School of Law about the first amendment protections for students who are protesting on college campuses.
Kentucky's incoming education commissioner, Dr. Robbie Fletcher, begins his job as the head of the state's Department of ...
Tech entrepreneur and free speech advocate Elon Musk declared on his social media platform that he is helping to launch a new ...
Maricopa County drew up plans to ban social media users from the county social media accounts and use influencers to spread ...
A new Minnesota proposal stands poised to follow Texas and Florida in violating centuries of First Amendment protections ...
His lecture was on black holes. Rather than stop the disruption, citing the protesters’ 1st Amendment rights, UNLV police escorted Pe’er off campus “to ensure his safety.” Other ...