Data from Chicago O'Hare shows May rainfall has increased by 42% in the last 30 years, from an average of just 3.17" in 1989 ...
Global warming has unleashed a cascade of unintended consequences and whipped up climate anxiety. CNN Chief Climate ...
Scientists at Utah's Boise State University and Utah State University are using satellite data to identify streams where once ...
Although the effects of climate change are evident almost everywhere, nearly 90% of global warming occurs in the oceans.
A new U.N. program highlights the disconnect between climate messaging and the growing possibility of overshooting a key ...
Those of us paying attention know it to be true: the climate crisis is here. Climate change is perhaps the defining crisis of ...
Climate Central, a homegrown organization, has developed unique programs to help people understand the rapidly changing ...
Comparing temperatures at one location on two random days does not demonstrate whether or not global warming is occurring.
Climate change is scrambling the seasons, wreaking havoc on trees. Some temperate and high-altitude regions will grow more ...
As climate change heats up, we sit down with the activist entrepreneur Sarah Paiji Yoo about how she's helping pass laws to ...
Data shows that global levels of the three main heat-trapping greenhouse gases — carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide — ...
Adopting effective policies could help Pakistan not only mitigate impacts of climate change but also attract investment and ...