Touted as a fat-burner, DMAA is known to elevate blood pressure and can cause health problems such as shortness of breath or ...
Study in mice finds that a widely-used medication prevents damage to fat tissue from injuries A new animal study suggests ...
Researchers have found a protein that is responsible for turning off brown fat activity. This new discovery could lead to a promising strategy for safely activating brown fat and tackling obesity and ...
Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is a type of fat in our bodies that's different from the white fat ...
Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is a type of fat in our bodies that's different from the white fat around our belly and thighs that we are more familiar with. Brown fat has a ...
Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue (BAT), is a type of fat in our bodies that's different from the white fat around our belly and thighs that we are more familiar with.
Genetically depleting AC3-AT protected mice from obesity as they were better able to burn calories and increased their metabolic rates through activating brown fat.